Zapata Ironman

“Excellence is a Journey,
Not a Destination”

A Whole Life Doing Sports

"Zapata Ironman"

Ultra Athlete: A Whole Life Doing Sports


When it comes to pushing the limits of human endurance, one name stands out: the "Zapata Ironman". This ultra athlete has dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of sports, driven by the simple pleasure of enjoying and participating in physical activities. But it's not just about the thrill of competition for him; it's about embodying the values of spirit, honesty, respect, and discipline.

From the very beginning of any event or training session, Zapata Ironman emphasizes the importance of honesty. He believes that being truthful with oneself and others is crucial for personal growth and development. Whether it's acknowledging weaknesses or celebrating strengths, Zapata Ironman sets an example of integrity that inspires those around him.

But honesty is not the only value that drives Zapata Ironman. He is also motivated by the spirit of sportsmanship. No matter the obstacles in his path, he remains determined to reach his goals. Whether it's a grueling marathon or a challenging obstacle course, Zapata Ironman's indomitable spirit keeps him going, inspiring others to never give up.

Respect is another fundamental value that Zapata Ironman holds dear. He understands that sports are not just about individual achievements, but also about fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. He treats his fellow athletes, coaches, and supporters with the utmost respect, creating an environment of mutual admiration and support.

Discipline is the backbone of Zapata Ironman's success. He believes that consistent and focused training is the key to achieving greatness. But his dedication to discipline goes beyond his own pursuits. Zapata Ironman is known for his efforts to involve children in the sports they love, instilling in them the importance of discipline and hard work from an early age.

One of the defining qualities of Zapata Ironman is his rhythm. He is often referred to as the "King of the Movement" and the "Motor of Life." His fluid and graceful movements captivate audiences, showcasing the beauty and power of the human body in motion. Whether he's soaring through the air on a jet-powered hoverboard or effortlessly gliding across the water on a flyboard, Zapata Ironman's rhythmic performance is a sight to behold.

But Zapata Ironman's journey hasn't been without challenges. He has faced numerous obstacles, both personal and professional, on his path to success. Yet, he remains undeterred, fighting for unconditional access to quality facilities for athletes of all backgrounds. He believes that every individual should have the opportunity to pursue their passion for sports, regardless of their circumstances.

In conclusion, the "Zapata Ironman" is not just an ultra athlete; he is a symbol of passion, dedication, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. His whole life has been dedicated to sports, driven by the pleasure of participating and enjoying physical activities. Inspired by the values of spirit, honesty, respect, and discipline, Zapata Ironman continues to inspire and motivate others to push their limits and reach their full potential.

Xpeditions & Coaching for Life

"In All Eras, Ignorance And Obscurantism Have Only Produced Herds Of Slaves for Tyranny."


"Courage is the Secret of Freedom"

Xpeditions & Coaching For Life

Give Us The Opportunity
To Highlight Brilliance
Of Your Person With
Your Own Resources,
To Provide Greater Focus
And Awareness
Of All The Possibilities
That Exist In You
And Achieve Excellence.

Gold Series (50+)

Series Rubí (40+)

Eagle Vision

"It is the Ability to See the Invisible"

"Zapata Ironman"

Breaking Out of Standards

A Timeline of Extraordinary Achievements

When it comes to pushing the limits of human endurance, there are few athletes who can match the incredible feats of the "Zapata Ironman". With a name that has become synonymous with breaking out of standards, this ultra athlete has consistently shattered expectations and redefined what is possible in the world of extreme sports. Let's take a closer look at the timeline of his remarkable achievements.

2014: 3,167 Hours Triathlon

In 2014, the Zapata Ironman embarked on an epic journey, completing a triathlon that lasted a staggering 3,167 hours. This incredible display of endurance and determination showcased his unwavering commitment to pushing his body to its limits.

2018: 9 Hours Triathlon

Building on his previous accomplishments, the Zapata Ironman continued to amaze the world in 2018 with a triathlon completed in just 9 hours. This feat not only highlighted his exceptional physical abilities but also demonstrated his ability to consistently improve and surpass his own records.

2018: 3.818 mi/hr Aqua Marathon

Not content with conquering the land, the Zapata Ironman took to the water in 2018, setting a blistering pace of 3.818 miles per hour in an Aqua Marathon. This aquatic display of strength and endurance solidified his status as a true force to be reckoned with in the world of extreme sports.

2016: 8 Hours Swimming Non-Stop

Proving that he is equally at home in the water as on land, the Zapata Ironman achieved an incredible feat in 2016 by swimming non-stop for a jaw-dropping 8 hours. This astonishing display of stamina and mental fortitude further cemented his reputation as an ultra athlete like no other.

2016: Bicycle Record - 19.812 miles/hour, During 260 Days

Continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible, the Zapata Ironman set a new bicycle record in 2016, averaging an impressive speed of 19.812 miles per hour over the course of 260 days. This remarkable achievement showcased his ability to maintain an extraordinary level of performance over an extended period of time.

2015-06: 24 Hours Ultra Marathon "Identity Day" - 147.55 Miles

In June 2015, the Zapata Ironman participated in a grueling 24-hour ultra marathon known as "Identity Day". During this event, he covered an astonishing distance of 147.55 miles, showcasing his unwavering determination and unyielding spirit. With a pace of 7.3775 miles per hour, he conquered each step, taking 1993 steps per mile, with each step measuring 2.65 feet. Completing 65 laps, each lap measuring 2.27 miles, he left spectators in awe of his incredible physical abilities.

2014: 145 Hours Ultra Marathon "Warrior Spirit" - 528 Miles, Just Walking

In 2014, the Zapata Ironman embarked on an ultra marathon that would test his limits like never before. Over the course of 145 grueling hours, he covered a distance of 528 miles, all accomplished through the power of his own two feet. This extraordinary display of stamina and mental fortitude earned him the title of a true warrior.

The "Zapata Ironman" has proven time and time again that he is not bound by the limitations of traditional athletic standards. His extraordinary achievements serve as an inspiration to all, reminding us that with determination and unwavering commitment, we too can break out of the standards that confine us.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a challenge, remember the incredible journey of the "Zapata Ironman" and let his story motivate you to push beyond what you thought was possible. Because sometimes, it takes someone who is willing to break out of standards to show us just how far we can truly go.

Ultra Sport Credentials

”A Leader is One Who Knows, Goes, and Shows the Way”

3,167 hours Triathlon

1,000 hrs Swimming IM
1,000 hrs Biking
1,000 hrs Run / Jog / Walk.

Inspired by the Spirit, Honesty, Respect and Discipline
of 2 Brave Mexican Warriors

3,167 hours Triathlon

Inspired by the
Respect, &
of 2 Brave Mexican Warriors;
Emiliano Zapata &


The Real Heroes Of México

Since 2010 Our Events are Dedicated to All People in México, Who Work From Dawn To Dusk
Without Receiving Benefits From The Government Welfare System
Despite Working 12 Hours Or More Per Day.

A Quiet Dignity That Deserves Our Respect,
These Warriors Have No Access To or Time for Sports, With Workdays Often Beginning At 3 a.m.
In All Types of Weather: Rain, Cold, Heat, Wind. Each Day Is Spent In a Battle for Survival,
With No Energy for Dreams Of The Future, No Desire to Remember the Past.
There Is Only The Present: Always Demanding Attention, Always Attempting To Drain the Spirit.

& Avoid Selling My Country, México

Se Vende mi País por todos lados
La tripa, el corazón y sus costados
Se Vende mi País a 4 vientos
Su sangre, su sabor, sus alimentos
Se Vende mi País cada momento
Su hambre, su dolor, su sentimiento
Se Vende mi País con todo y gente
Se vende la palabra independiente
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero ....

How to Fly

Innovation & Warrior Spirit


It Means:

Break Out of Standards
Positive Attitude
Crab Mentality

Athlete Decalog

Athlete Decalog

Mental Strength, Full of Energy & Enthusiasm
Dream or Mental Image to Develop in the Future
The Ability to Create Something in the Mind
Perform an Action Without Getting a Reward
Positive Attitude
Behaving that Reflects a State of Mind,

Developing Self-Control to Follow Training Rules

Show Consideration and Treat Courteously or Kindly
Conformity to High Standards of Ethics or Excellence
Maintain Effort Despite Difficulties
Boundless Enthusiasm

”A Leader is One Who Knows, Goes, and Shows the Way”



Athlete Decalog

Rules Of Etiquette In Everyday Life

Wu Xing, Five Elements


Why Zapata Ironman ???

Audio & Video Corporation Founder

Able to involve children in the sports that they liked

Obstacles Will Not Stop Us From Reaching The Goals

From Beginning to End Of Any Event or Training Session YOU Are Responsible For Proper Administration.

Unconditional access
to quality facilities

without restrictions on
social group.

Etiquette Rules

Seek Perfection of Character,
Be Faithful,
Refrain from violent behavior,
Respect Others.

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