"Spirit of Synergy Team"


Certified Ultra Triathletes and Ranking

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Mission Achieved.

[videojs ogg=”https://www.audiovideo2k.com/Zapata_Iroman/videos/__2017-07-26-Record 9hrs Tri-000-ZI-web.mp4″ poster=”https://agreenproject.org/zapata_ironman/ZapataIronman/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/vlcsnap-2017-08-20-13h44m30s322.png” width=”1200″ height=”690″ preload=”auto” autoplay=”true” ]

“The Mind is Everything”

2017 9hrs Triathlon

“Who Points to the Sky, Always Hits the Target”

July 26th. Wednesday

Starts 4 a.m.

Ends 1 p.m.

New Records

Bike->64.5 miles @ 21.5 miles/hour

Swim->11.5 miles @ 3.83 miles/hour

Walk->21.6 miles @ 7.2 miles/hour

Technical Conditions


from -> 7,644 ft.

to -> 12,863 ft.

from->2,330 m.

to->3,920.64 m.

Previous Pace Records

Bike->19.812 miles/hour

Swim->3.542 miles/hour

Walk->6.1479 miles/hour

Records Pace Increments

Bike->1.688 miles/hour

Swim->0.288 miles/hour

Walk->1.0521 miles/hour


Zapata Ironman

Diamond Series

60+ plus

Certified by Advanced Sport Engineering

Break Out of Standards



Debbie’s History.

Marco’s Birthday 2017 started off for me with a lovely walk from our house out to Trinidad. I had my big red backpack on, but it did not feel too heavy, at least not at first. But when I got to the spot where I usually turn and go to the zoo and this time kept walking instead, my body had a little hissy fit. Muscle memory is an amazing thing! My body was so sure it had gone far enough; it wanted to see the giraffe and zebra at the zoo! But after a little further it settled down and quit complaining, only the backpack started to feel like rocks were growing inside it. Marco met me about halfway from the zoo to Dos Arroyos. He took that pack full of rocks and put it on his bike, then we kept going and I felt like I was flying! I saw the new pedestrian bridge across the river just this side of the highway, and someday I want to make a loop walk out to it, then cross and come back on the other side of the river, which I have never seen. We followed a straighter path through the town this time, and I did not feel as lost as I usually do in that area. Cross the highway, climb the hill, follow the road all the way to the railroad tracks, turn left, keep going. Every time you get to a divided place (there will be two) choose the left side and pretty soon there you are crossing the narrow little bridge to Trinidad. So easy! We were going to be given a room in the Arcos area like we have always had before, but there was a problem and instead we had a lovely big room in an area called La Capilla. It was next to the parking lot but there was not enough traffic to be annoying. The room felt huge and had both a double and a single bed. The television looked really far away. My favorite feature of the room was the roll-up blind on the window.It had both dark and light sections and you could fix it to be rolled up all the way, or down and completely dark, or down and alternating. That type of blind would be perfect for the picture window in the living room at Mom’s house. That first afternoon I had chicken fajitas. They were better than the year before, but still not as good as the very first year. On The Birthday itself, after Marco finished his swim and I finished waiting around for him to finish, I went and had breakfast of huevos a la mexicana. The plate came with fruit and juice, which was a nice surprise. When the waiter brought my eggs, he asked if I wanted salsa or just plain. I said salsa, por favor! And I used up about half of the dish he brought. I bet that startled him when he collected the plates! After Marco got back from his walking and had his shower, we went to eat. I ordered enchiladas de mole, thinking the plate would be fairly small, but they were huge and stuffed full of chicken. I think I gained ten pounds just in that one day. Overall this event was less nerve-wracking than the 8-hour swims, so it looks like this will be the pattern for at least another year or so. But I told Marco that next year we will stay another night so I can have a day to rest before coming home. I never could rest on his birthday. We got a wake up call at 3am and he had a shower and left by 4 and I was afraid to go back to sleep because I had to be at the pool with his swim gear before 7. I got there at 630am. Recorded him coming into the pool area and changing, and the first laps showing the four different swim strokes. Then I sat, walked, sat, tried hard not to be bored, sat and walked some more and hoped my back wouldn’t get too stiff. Then I went to get his tea, went back to put the chair away, tell him when to stop, take some of his things to the room and be there with the door open so he could change for the walk part, then see him off at the gate. Breakfast as mentioned, then I wanted desperately to lay down but the cleaning people showed up so I went for a walk around the compound and got back at 1130 to lay down for just a few minutes. I needed to be outside by 1230 so I could film him coming across the little bridge from Santa Cruz. He was supposed to be back right at 1 but showed up early and I wasn’t ready with the camera when I first saw him so I think my video will be bad. We walked around the grounds until the time was up, and then he had his shower and we went to eat. We left for home the next morning, and that walk was much more tiring. By the end of it I could barely drag my feet along. So next year we will stay another night and the day after his birthday I will sleep all day while he does whatever it is he will do that day, probably swim for eight hours non-stop..

Dedicated to Real Heroes of México

Rural Workers

Poor Children

Non-Salaried Workers


And All People Who Work From Dawn To Dusk
Without Receiving Benefits From The Government Welfare System
Despite Working 12 Hours Or More Per Day.

Rhythm 2017 Ultra Triathlon 9 hrs

We Appreciate Your Participation and Enthusiasm.



Each Activity Will Be Placed In a Logical Order to Achieve the Objective.

Debbie Zapata

Beverly Sweazy

Reyna Rosales

José M. Zapata

Zapata Ironman

Ange Pérez

Concepción Montes

Oscar Pérez Murive

Anis Zapata

Francisco J. G.


Sandy González Salgado

Juan Meza

Pedro Castro

Amelia Hernández




(In order of registration)

Angel Gerardo Velasco Carmona

Aureliano Ramírez

Johnny Islas

Yolanda Salgado

Sandra González

Mercedes Pinzón

Olivia López

J. Lucio Hernández

Tomás Netzahualcoyotl

Antonio Rodríguez

Alfredo Castillo

Alicia Aguilar

And the Challenges Continue…

Advanced Sport Engineering.
