Creating an Interesting & Exciting Life







Prevent versus Remedy

Consuming Natural Products (Fruits, Vegetables) the “Rainbow” on the Table, There is NO Need for Medications.

Relax Your Mind.

Enjoy the Present.

Energetic Meditation.

Herbal Medicine.

Health Balance of the Ecosystem.

Maintain the Warrior Spirit.

Walking, Increasing Time and Distance

Balance Between All of the Living Things

(Plants, Animals And Organisms) In a Given Area, Interacting with Each Other, and also with Their Non-living Environments (Weather, Earth, Sun, Soil, Climate, Atmosphere).

Our Mission is to Develop New Generations, which in a Near Future Will Have the Privilege of Organizing, Implementing and Supervising the Activities of the World.

Balance Body, Mind & Spirit, with the Natural Environment.

Generating Cycle

Wood Feeds Fire

Fire Creates Earth (Ashes)

Earth Produces Metal

Metal Condenses Water

Water Nourishes Wood

Honesty, Integrity, Sincerity Must Be Part of Our Daily Life

Child-centered education based on freedom, observation, skills, values, beliefs, habits, real-life discoveries so that they finally achieve autonomous learning and critical thinking.

Education comes from the first experiences of a child that are formative and the associations are created during his life and that are lasting.

Authentic learning involves all the senses allowing students to create a meaningful and / or tangible and useful product to share with their world.

The teacher becomes a guide, an event manager, a facilitator, NOT A DICTATOR!.

Education Module

“Play Is The Highest Form Of Research" Albert Einstein

“Play Is The Highest Form Of Research."



Consuming Natural Products (Fruits, Vegetables) the “Rainbow” on the Table, There is NO Need for Medications.



Relax Your Mind.



Enjoy the Present.



Energetic Meditation.



Herbal Medicine.



Health Balance of the Ecosystem.



Maintain the Warrior Spirit.



Walking, Increasing Time and Distance



Table Plugin


Child-centered education based on freedom, observation, skills, values, beliefs, habits, real-life discoveries so that they finally achieve autonomous learning and critical thinking.

Education comes from the first experiences of a child that are formative and the associations are created during his life and that are lasting.

Authentic learning involves all the senses allowing students to create a meaningful and / or tangible and useful product to share with their world.

The teacher becomes a guide, an event manager, a facilitator, NOT A DICTATOR!.

The Principles are Basic in Daily Life and MUST BE Preserved


Education comes from the first experiences of a child that are formative and the associations are created during his life and that are lasting.


Start with self respect, respecting yourself means giving and defining your own worth and value as a human being. Think about this: if you do not respect yourself, it will be more difficult for you to respect anyone else.

Positive Attitude

A Positive Attitude Achieve Positive Results, create the way you feel towards people and situations, determine the state of the world in which you live, It is the basis of all success, actions are the result of Your attitude, which in turn create a reaction from others, if you control your attitude then you control your life.


Have solid moral principles, ethics, moral rectitude, the veracity or accuracy of one's actions and the state of being complete and undivided. It is a personal choice to maintain oneself excellent and constant standards. Being in integrity = natural, effortless, just ‘part of who you are’.

Let Our Children Be Children

Table Plugin

Streets for the People

Table Plugin

Culture Is Beyond Curiosity

When you are traveling different types of language, art, architecture, traditions, food, clothing, toys, etc. are known.

Bring “Adventure” Back Into Play

Bring “Adventure” Back Into Play ...


2007-10-08-Elite ...
2015-07-02 What A Wonderful World

2015-07-02 What A Wonderful World

2015-07-02 What A Wonderful World ...
2009-10-18-Fiestas Patrias

2009-10-18-Fiestas Patrias

2009-10-18-Fiestas Patrias ...
2009-12-29 El Circo de la Mariposa

2009-12-29 El Circo de la Mariposa

2009-12-29 El Circo de la Mariposa ...
2009-06-19 Exposición Revolución Mexicana

2009-06-19 Exposición Revolución Mexicana

2009-06-19 Exposición Revolución Mexicana ...
2008-09-13 Xochimilco

2008-09-13 Xochimilco

Xochimilco Xochimilco comes from the Nahuatl language and means “Flower field place” It is called "The Mexican Venice". It was ...


2007-06-18-Tarahumara ...
2008 Universal Social Club

2008 Universal Social Club

2008 Universal Social Club ...

From Remote Times, the Good Techniques Remain.

For many years every day my health training routine consisted of cycling, swimming and running, and from there was born the Ultra Triathlon.



Our Events are Dedicated to The Real Heroes Of México

Our Events are Dedicated to The Real Heroes Of México

Since 2010 Our Events are Dedicated to All People in México, Who Work From Dawn To Dusk
Without Receiving Benefits From The Government Welfare System
Despite Working 12 Hours Or More Per Day.

A Quiet Dignity That Deserves Our Respect,
These Warriors Have No Access To or Time for Sports, With Workdays Often Beginning At 3 a.m.
In All Types of Weather: Rain, Cold, Heat, Wind. Each Day Is Spent In a Battle for Survival,
With No Energy for Dreams Of The Future, No Desire to Remember the Past.
There Is Only The Present: Always Demanding Attention, Always Attempting To Drain the Spirit.

& Avoid Selling My Country

Se Vende mi País por todos lados
La tripa, el corazón y sus costados
Se Vende mi País a 4 vientos
Su sangre, su sabor, sus alimentos
Se Vende mi País cada momento
Su hambre, su dolor, su sentimiento
Se Vende mi País con todo y gente
Se vende la palabra independiente
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero
Yo no lo vendo no, porque lo quiero
Yo no lo vendo no, mejor me muero ....

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